Atari Falcon030
These programs are for the Atari Falcon030 computer. In case you don't know, this computer had a 68030 clocked at 16 MHz as the main CPU, a 56001 DSP clocked at 32 MHz with zero wait-state SRAM as a co-processor (it was this that made it exciting), 4 to 16 MB of RAM and an internal 2.5 inch IDE hard drive. There were the usual ports on it including FAST SCSI-2, not ethernet though.
- JPEG viewer that uses brainstorms JPEG decoder. What makes it special is that custom video modes can be used, this is especially important when using VGA monitors as the standard max 16 bit resolution for VGA is not that great.
- Lemonade
- Two triple buffered demo screens. A fire effect and a Julia fractal. Runs on VGA monitors.
- Make Asm
- Converts a binary file to a text file using dc.b statements for inclusion in for example pure asm, which lacks an incbin directive.
- Nd Wizard
- Copies different newdesk.inf file to c:\ depending on monitor type attached to the computer.
- Plenty
- A 2 kB software sprite demo screen for NAS-96 (was not released at the party). Runs on 15 kHz monitors (TV-set).
- Prg Patch
- Changes fast load bits etc. on programs, good for devpac programs where the fast load bit is cleared.
- TIP is a colour quantization program, good selection of colours but no dithering.